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Creation of a postsecondary plan
Alignment of academic courses with the
student's identified career interests
Self-assessment of the student's aptitudes, skills,
values, personality, and career interests
Pathful satisfies the requirements for:
Tennessee’s requirements for career assessments
WBL Policy Guide
SSQI Measure from the Local Needs Assessment Justification Alignment,
Creating Career Development
Plans and WBL Opportunities
for All Tennessee Students
Integrated Accessibility: Through our partnership with Userway, students and
educators can apply accommodations including screen reader, visual
accommodations, translation, and more to Pathful’s platform.
Pathful feature: Interest, personality,work values and
aptitude assessments
Exploration and identification of pathways
and postsecondary opportunities for careers
Pathful feature: Career Explorer, Postsecondary Plan, Postsecondary
module, Employability Skills lessons, and WBL module
Pathful feature: Course Planner
Pathful feature: My Path, Resume Builder, Career Explorer,
Postsecondary Plan
Live-Virtual and Simulated WBL Opportunities
Pathful feature: WBL Module and Industry-Led Projects
This sample implementation plan for Tennessee is designed to
ensure all students complete a career development plan and
participate in WBL opportunities throughout their PK-12 education
path according to the Student Milestones for College and Career
Throughout PK-12th grade: Use Requested sessions (WBL) and
Career to develop career awareness and interest. Use Lessons to
develop student skills and knowledge.
PK-2nd grade (Pathful Jr. )
Complete the various career cluster lessons designated for K-2nd grade to
begin building awareness of careers, rules, expectations and responsibilities.
3rd-4th grade (Pathful Jr.)
Complete the Career Cluster Interest Survey to further understanding and
awareness of jobs that may interest the student and to develop
understanding that different jobs require different skill sets and that each
individual has different strengths.
Complete the various career cluster lessons designated for 3rd-5th grade to
further development of different career options as well as rules, expectations
and responsibilities.
5th-6th grade
Complete an Interest Assessment.
Use the Career and WBL sections of the platform to begin exploring careers
that interest them.
7th-8th grade
Begin developing their Postsecondary Plan in Pathful with the guidance of a
counselor. Discuss Postsecondary costs using the Postsecondary section of
the platform for guidance.
Take Careers and Your Interests as a career exploration course.
Use Postsecondary Search to develop college and career awareness
9th grade
Complete various Assessments to develop a better understanding of career
interests and how they relate to student’s personality, work values and skills.
Use Pathful Planner to ensure students are taking courses aligned to a
personalized education and career plan.
Use Pathful lessons such as Using Technology to Study, Best Conditions for
Studying, Test-Taking Strategies, Organizational Habits for Success and
How to Study Together to experiment and learn about organizational and
study methods.
Meet with counselor to update Pathful Postsecondary Plan.
Take the Introduction to Career and Technical Student Organizations, and
any related CTSO lessons to learn more about different school organizations.
Use Scholarship Search to begin exploration on merit-awards, grants and
scholarships to help pay for college.
Use the Resume Builder to begin developing a resume to document extra-
curricular activities, accomplishments, work experiences and skills.
Use the Career, Postsecondary and WBL sections of the platform to continue
participating in college and career exploration experiences.
10th grade
Continue to use the Career, Postsecondary and WBL sections of the platform
to continue participating in college and career exploration experiences.
Use Pathful’s Industry-Led Projects to participate in meaningful
job/internship/apprenticeship opportunities
Update Resume using Pathful’s Resume Builder.
Use Pathful’s WBL Module to practice job interviews with Industry Pros. Use
Pathful Lessons to develop interview skills.
Update Postsecondary Plan with school counselor
Use information from Pathful’s Postsecondary module and Scholarship
Search to further conversations with counselor and family members about
the costs and scholarship opportunities related to postsecondary education.
Use Pathful Planner to research course offerings for 11th grade, including early
postsecondary opportunities such as advanced placement, dual enrollment
and dual credit.
Use Pathful’s WBL module and Industry-Led Projects to explore WBL
11th grade
Retake various Assessments to reevaluate changes in career interests and
how they relate to student’s personality, work values and skills.
Continue to use the Career, Postsecondary and WBL sections of the platform
to continue participating in college and career exploration experiences.
Use Pathful’s WBL Module to practice job interviews with Industry Pros. Use
Pathful Lessons to develop interview skills.
Update Resume using Pathful’s Resume Builder.
Use Scholarship Search to research and apply for postsecondary scholarship
Use Postsecondary search to develop a list of postsecondary opportunities
that align with academic and career interests. Use this to update
Postsecondary Plan.
Use the Cover Letter builder to develop a cover letter for postsecondary
Use Pathful’s Industry-Led Projects and WBL module to participate in
meaningful job/internship/apprenticeship opportunities related to their CTE
12th grade
Use Scholarship Search to research and apply for postsecondary scholarship
Finalize a postsecondary application list with the support of a counselor and
update Postsecondary Plan.
Use Pathful’s Common App Integration to submit college application and
teacher recommendation letters.
Learn about and complete the FAFSA with guidance from Pathful’s FAFSA
Update Resume using Pathful’s Resume Builder.