Career exploration in middle school becomes more intentional,
providing students with tools to begin understanding how their
interests align with career opportunities
Key Grade-Level Milestones:
Grade 7: Initial career interest survey and exploration
Grade 8: HSBP creation and initial academic/career pathway planning
Pathful Tools:
Interactive Career Exploration: Students can access Pathful’s career
database, where they can explore career pathways across all career clusters.
Each career is matched with information on job duties, required education,
projected demand and includes an engaging ‘Day in the Life’ Job Shadowing
video filmed and produced by the Pathful Team.
Assessments: Pathful provides tools for students to take interest surveys and
self-assessments, helping them begin aligning their preferences with
potential careers and inform their HSBP planning and pathway selection.
Live Industry Connections: Students can participate in live virtual sessions
with professionals across various industries, ask questions, and understand
the real-world applications of their education.
Industry-Led Project-Based Learning and WBL Opportunities: Pathful
provides access to lesson plans and projects designed in collaboration with
industry pros that help students get real work-based learning experiences.
Goal-Setting Tool: This tool helps students in grades 6–8 identify personal
interests, explore career paths, and create actionable plans for their future.
Supports HSBP creation and updated in 8th grade.
How it Supports Washington’s Standards:
Aligns with HSBP requirements through digital career exploration and interest
assessments, creating a foundation for 8th grade HSBP development
Fulfills WBL requirements through virtual job shadows, career research tools,
and structured guest speaker experiences
Develops essential workplace skills through guided industry engagements
and exploration activities
Provides documentation for career exploration activities, supporting state
compliance for HSBP and WBL requirements
Middle School (Grades 6-8): Career Awareness and
HSBP Foundation