State Enablement - TX

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WBL Continuum Focus: Preparation, Participation, and Experience


TEKS Alignment: §127.19, §127.20, §127.21, §127.22 (CTE TEKS for

Career Development, Career Preparation, Practicum)

9th Grade: Deepening Career Knowledge and Setting

Long-Term Goals

Focus: Students refine their career plans by exploring specific careers and

setting long-term goals.

Retake Interest Assessment and Take Personality, and Work-Values

Assessment: Students take more detailed assessments to explore other

factors that might impact their career choices.

Session Requests: Teachers submit session requests so students can engage

with industry professionals, discussing the skills and education required in

their fields.

Goal Setting: Students update their digital career plans with both short-term

academic goals and long-term career objectives.

10th Grade: Introduction to Work-Based Learning and

Real-World Applications

Focus: Students begin participating in introductory Work-Based Learning (WBL)

experiences and further develop career-specific skills.

Virtual Job Shadowing: Students continue to explore and research

professions in their chosen career pathways via virtual job shadowing videos

and career explorer.

Employability Videos, Lessons and Courses: Focus on developing workplace

readiness skills such as professionalism, leadership, and time management

through interactive Pathful content.

Industry-Led Projects: Use Pathful’s industry-specific WBL modules to help

students practice career-relevant skills (e.g., coding for IT, patient care for

healthcare) and gain experience in different fields.

High School (Grades 9-12): Career Preparation and

Work-Based Learning

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