11th Grade: Advanced WBL and Postsecondary Planning
Provide more advanced WBL opportunities and help students plan for postsecondary
education or workforce entry.
Internship and Apprenticeship Connections: Connect students with virtual or local
internship and apprenticeship opportunities facilitated through Pathful’s WBL network
and Session Requests.
Resume and Interview Skills Modules: Equip students with resume-building and
interview skills through Pathful’s career readiness tools, preparing them for
postsecondary opportunities. Students begin working on a resume and cover-letter
using Pathful’s tools and practice interview skills though Session Requests.
College and Career Research Tools: Students use the Postsecondary module to
research postsecondary education options, financial aid, and entry-level career
pathways, which they document in their ILPs.
12th Grade: Capstone Projects and Postsecondary Transition
Help students finalize their ILPs, complete a capstone project, and transition into
postsecondary education or career fields.
Capstone Project Development: Guide students in completing a capstone project
that demonstrates their career readiness and mastery of skills relevant to their
chosen field. Use Session Requests so that students can get practice presenting and
real feedback from industry pros.
Postsecondary Transition Planning: Use Pathful’s planning tools to help students
prepare for life after high school, whether they are entering college, technical training,
or the workforce. Use lessons to provide additional support during this transition
phase and to build out the students’ skill set based on their path.
Final ILP Review: Assist students in finalizing their ILPs, ensuring that all career
experiences, academic achievements, and skill development are documented.