State Enablement -GA

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8th grade

By the end of 8th grade, students are required to select at least one Career

Pathway of interest. Students can use their knowledge from 6th and 7th grade,

as well as a new Interest Assessment and Career explorer to help with this.

Students must develop an Individual Graduation Plan (or IGP, this is a key

milestone of the BRIDGE Act), a multi-year plan that outlines the courses they

will take in high school based on their career interests. The Postsecondary

Plan, Goal Setting Tools and Pathful Planner can support this process.

Use Employability videos to help build skills and knowledge that will support

students as they prepare to transition to high school (suggestions include

Career Cluster, Diversity & Inclusion, Extracurriculars, First Jobs, Other Ways to

Learn, Overcoming Obstacles, Skills for Academic Success, Social Emotional

Skills, Soft Skills, and When Would I Use This).

9th grade

Continue to update IGP to reflect any changes in student career interests and

academic goals

Use Pathful Planner to make sure coursework aligns with students’ chosen

career pathway.

Assign students Lessons and Courses that align with their chosen career

pathway and to develop necessary skill development.

Students continue to use Assessments and Career explorer to explore and

understand their career interests and how their academic success is

important to their chosen career pathway.

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