State Enablement -GA

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10th grade

Continue to update IGP to reflect any changes in student career interests and

academic goals

Update Postsecondary Plan with school counselor

Use information from Pathful’s Postsecondary module and Scholarship

Search to further conversations with counselor and family members about

the costs and scholarship opportunities related to postsecondary education.

Use Pathful Planner to research course offerings for 11th grade, including early

postsecondary opportunities such as advanced placement, dual enrollment

and dual credit.

Students continue to use Assessments and Career explorer to explore and

understand their career interests and how their academic success is

important to their chosen career pathway.

11th grade

Use Pathful’s WBL Module to practice job interviews with Industry Pros. Use

Pathful Lessons to develop interview skills.

Retake various Assessments to reevaluate changes in career interests.

Update this on the student’s IGP.

Dive deeper into the Career, Postsecondary and WBL sections of the platform

to continue participating in college and career exploration experiences..

Use Pathful’s Resume Builder and Cover Letter Tools to help students start

preparing for their postsecondary or career path.

Use Scholarship Search to research and apply for financial aid opportunities

for postsecondary path.

Use Pathful’s Industry-Led Projects and WBL module to participate in

meaningful work-based learning opportunities related to their chosen career


Use Employability videos, Lessons and Courses (as well as Postsecondary

and WBL Lessons) to continue developing student skills and knowledge (such

as test-taking skills, study skills, critical thinking skills, etc.)

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