What is Pathful?
Pathful is an all-in-one Career Readiness platform designed to help educators
prepare learners for college, careers, and beyond. It offers tools for career
exploration, work-based learning, employability skills, and goal-setting.
Which Version of Pathful Do I Have?
How do I log in?
Look for the Pathful logo in Clever, Canvas, ClassLink or other single
sign-on portal.
If you are not using single sign-on navigate to
app.pathful.com/login. Type the name of your school or
organization in the search box, and select it. Input your credentials
and select “Sign in”.
Navigating the Platform
**Important note: The educator (Staff/Teacher/Admin) view is almost identical to
the learner (User/Student) view. Instead of Dashboard, learners have a homepage
called My Path and learners do not have the My Data tab.
The dashboard is your starting point. From here, you can:
Assign lessons or create custom ones. (Lessons & Assignments Help)
Manage your upcoming and past Work-Based Learning sessions.(Work-Based
Learning Help)
Discover district resources and suggested content. (Create or Edit or Remove a
District Resource)
Manage Groups and Users (Group and User Management Help)
Tip: After clicking on your school name, bookmark your login link for easier
access to Pathful
Login Issues? Contact your IT department, administrator, or support@pathful.com
Pathful Quick-Start Guide 1
There are a few versions of Pathful. Use the link above if you are not sure which you