Pathful Tools
Assessments: Engage learners with career and skill assessments
to help them discover their interests, strengths, and alignment
with different pathways.(Assessment Help Articles)
Most Used
Videos: Explore those pathways with an
engaging library of Job-Shadowing videos
(from Career Profiles), and videos covering
career and life skills in Employability
Videos. (How to Watch a Virtual-Job
Shadow or Employability Video)
Lessons: Assign ready-made lessons or customize them from
your Dashboard. This includes Career, Postsecondary*, Work-
based Learning**, and Employability Lessons and Courses. It also
includes Industry-Led Projects (ILPs)** for hands-on, real-world
applications.(Lessons & Assignments Help Articles)
Pathful Quick-Start Guide 3
* Denotes feature available with Pathful or CCE Module
** Denotes feature available with Pathful or WBL Module