Pathful Quick-Start Guide

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Work-Based Learning** (Work-Based Learning Help Articles)

Discover and Upcoming Sessions: Both Discover and Upcoming Sessions

highlight scheduled live, virtual events with industry professionals, giving

learners real-time insights into various careers and industries. (How to Use

Discover and Upcoming Sessions)

Request: The Request feature allows educators to schedule customized

sessions with professionals or industry experts, tailoring experiences to their

learners’ unique interests and goals. (How to Request a WBL Session)

Videos: Pathful’s exclusive video library features engaging content from

previous sessions with industry professionals, providing learners with valuable

career insights and practical advice.

Work-based Lessons: Lessons covering career exploration, job readiness, and

essential skills to prepare learners for success. This also includes Industry-Led

Projects (ILPs), which provide authentic, simulated work experiences designed

by industry professionals, helping learners apply skills to real-world scenarios.

(How to Search Work-Based Learning Lessons and How to Use Industry-Led


Playlists: Playlists allow educators to curate and organize videos, lessons, and

other resources into personalized learning paths. (How to Create a Playlist)

My Sessions: The My Sessions section helps educators manage their

scheduled and past virtual sessions, keeping all session details and recordings

in one convenient place. (How to Join, Edit, View, or Withdraw a Session)

Pathful Tools

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