Pathful Quick-Start Guide

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My Tracker

My Matches: My Matches is a centralized space where learners can store all

their favorites and saved items, including careers, schools, scholarships, and

videos, for easy access and organization. (How to View My Matches)

Credentials: The Credentials section is where learners can view and track the

credentials they’ve earned through Pathful, showcasing their achievements

and skills development. (How to View My Credentials)

Assessment Progress: Assessment Progress is where learners can start

assessments. It also tracks learners’ completion and results of career and skill

assessments, offering insights into their strengths, interests, and alignment

with potential career paths. (Assessments Overview, Complete an

Assessment, or View Assessment Results)

Postsecondary Plan: The Postsecondary Plan guides learners in outlining their

education and career goals, helping them create a clear, actionable

roadmap. (Create a Postsecondary Plan)

Goal Setting: Pathful’s Goal Setting tool empowers learners to set, track, and

achieve short- and long-term goals, fostering accountability and planning

skills critical for success. (How to Use the Goal Setting Tool)

Pathful Tools

My Data

Overview: Gain a comprehensive view of data from all learners, including

progress, activity, and engagement across the platform. (Explanation of

Overview Page)

My Reports: Create customized reports on Usage, Activity, and Status to

analyze trends, monitor participation, and support data-driven decisions. (My

Reports Overview and How to Create a Custom Report)

Pathful Quick-Start Guide 7

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