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Live-Virtual and Simulated WBL Opportunities

Engaging Virtual Job Shadowing videos filmed by

the Pathful Video Team

Use Pathful as part of your toolkit for meeting the requirements for:

Washington's High School and Beyond Plan (HSBP)

Washington State CTE Standards

Washington's Work-Based Learning Requirements

Self-assessment of the student's aptitudes, skills,

values, personality, and career interests

Creating High School and Beyond Plans

and Applied Learning Experiences for

All Washington Students

Integrated Accessibility: Through our partnership with Userway, students and

educators can apply accommodations including screen reader, visual

accommodations, translation, and more to Pathful’s platform.

Pathful feature: Interest, personality, work values and

aptitude assessments


Exploration and identification of pathways

and postsecondary opportunities for careers

Pathful feature: Career Explorer, postsecondary plan,

postsecondary module, employability skills lessons and WBL



Pathful feature: Virtual job shadowing, employability skills,

and industry project videos


Pathful feature: Pathful Presents, Industry Presents, and

Requested Sessions; Industry-Led Projects


Data-Driven Insights and Reporting for


Pathful feature: Reporting data and custom reports


This sample implementation plan for Washington is designed to

ensure that all students complete a career development plan and

engage in WBL opportunities throughout their PK-12 education, in

alignment with Washington’s career education and exploration and

CTE standards.

Throughout PK-12th grade

Use Requested sessions (WBL) and Career to develop career awareness and

interest. Use Lessons to develop student skills and knowledge.

Elementary School (Grades PK-5 - Pathful Jr.)

At the elementary level, career exploration is primarily about introducing students

to the concept of careers, helping them understand the world of work, and

starting to identify personal interests and strengths.

Pathful Jr. provides tailored content for young students, introducing them to

different careers through short videos and virtual guest speakers. These

resources can help teachers integrate career-related themes into lessons.

Career Profiles and WBL Library: Using engaging, age-appropriate content,

students can watch videos about real professionals discussing their jobs,

which aligns with the goal of exposing students to different careers.

Virtual Field Trips: Pathful offers virtual tours of workplaces, allowing

elementary students to see inside industries like healthcare, engineering, and


How it Supports Washington’s Standards:

Provides exposure to various industries and professionals, fostering early

awareness of career possibilities.

Encourages students to relate their personal interests to career fields, using

interactive media and assessments.

Allows educators to build on students' communication and collaborative

skills through activities and discussions after viewing the career videos.

Throughout the lessons students practice core subject skills that help them

reinforce skills they are learning outside of career exploration.

Career exploration in middle school becomes more intentional,

providing students with tools to begin understanding how their

interests align with career opportunities

Key Grade-Level Milestones:

Grade 7: Initial career interest survey and exploration

Grade 8: HSBP creation and initial academic/career pathway planning

Pathful Tools:

Interactive Career Exploration: Students can access Pathful’s career

database, where they can explore career pathways across all career clusters.

Each career is matched with information on job duties, required education,

projected demand and includes an engaging ‘Day in the Life’ Job Shadowing

video filmed and produced by the Pathful Team.

Assessments: Pathful provides tools for students to take interest surveys and

self-assessments, helping them begin aligning their preferences with

potential careers and inform their HSBP planning and pathway selection.

Live Industry Connections: Students can participate in live virtual sessions

with professionals across various industries, ask questions, and understand

the real-world applications of their education.

Industry-Led Project-Based Learning and WBL Opportunities: Pathful

provides access to lesson plans and projects designed in collaboration with

industry pros that help students get real work-based learning experiences.

Goal-Setting Tool: This tool helps students in grades 6–8 identify personal

interests, explore career paths, and create actionable plans for their future.

Supports HSBP creation and updated in 8th grade.

How it Supports Washington’s Standards:

Aligns with HSBP requirements through digital career exploration and interest

assessments, creating a foundation for 8th grade HSBP development

Fulfills WBL requirements through virtual job shadows, career research tools,

and structured guest speaker experiences

Develops essential workplace skills through guided industry engagements

and exploration activities

Provides documentation for career exploration activities, supporting state

compliance for HSBP and WBL requirements

Middle School (Grades 6-8): Career Awareness and

HSBP Foundation

Career exploration focuses on pathway development and work-based

learning experiences, with specific grade-level requirements.

Key Grade-Level Milestones:

Grade 9: CTE course planning and pathway selection

Grade 10: Career pathway exploration and HSBP refinement

Grade 11: Career pathway concentration and post-secondary planning

Grade 12: Transition preparation and HSBP completion

Pathful Tools:

Work-Based Learning Experiences: Enables students to engage in live virtual

career talks and Q&A sessions with professionals. Students can interact with

professionals in industries aligned with their chosen CTE pathway.

Industry Led Projects: Pathful provides access to lesson plans and projects

designed in collaboration with industry pros that help students get real work-

based learning experiences while supporting Washington’s requiremet for

applied learning experiences.

Career Readiness Curriculum: Pathful offers curriculum modules that teach

students essential career readiness skills, including resume building, interview

preparation, and workplace behavior that aligns with Washington’s career

readiness standards.

College and Career Planning Tools: Students can use Pathful’s tools to develop

individualized career and postsecondary plans by researching post-secondary

education options, financial planning, and industry certifications related to their

career interests.

Career Research & Planning Tools: Supports HSBP development through career

database exploration, virtual-job shadowing videos and skill requirement

research for Washington's key industries.

How it Supports Washington’s Standards:

Strengthens CTE pathway engagement through virtual workplace experiences

and professional connections aligned with state-approved career clusters

Advances HSBP completion through comprehensive planning tools and direct

interaction with industry professionals in chosen career paths

Fulfills work-based learning requirements through structured virtual

experiences and applied projects connected to local industries

Emphasizes soft and career readiness skills by offering structured curriculum on

critical workplace competencies, essential for both college and career success.

High School (Grades 9-12): Pathway Development

and Career-Connected Learning

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