1. Assign STEM-Focused Pathful Content:
Use Pathful videos featuring Black professionals in STEM fields (e.g.,
engineers, coders, scientists). Some examples: Environmental Scientist,
Cybersecurity Engineer, Lead Technologist, Software Engineer - Video
Games, Mechanical Engineer
2. Group Brainstorming:
Facilitate a discussion about how diversity in STEM impacts innovation.
Guiding questions:
“How does diversity strengthen problem-solving in STEM?”
“What barriers do underrepresented groups face in STEM fields?”
3. Hands-On Extension:
Encourage students to design a simple STEM project inspired by what
they’ve learned, such as creating a prototype invention or conducting
a science experiment. |
Host a mini STEM fair to showcase their projects.
Activity 4: Explore Diversity in STEM Careers
Objective: Highlight diversity in STEM fields and inspire students to pursue opportunities in these
Extension Idea:
Activities to Highlight Black History Month
Wrap-Up and Reflection
Activity: At the end of Black History Month, have students reflect on their learning journey
by responding to the following prompts:
What did you learn about diversity and representation in careers?”
“How has this month inspired you to think about your own career goals?”
Output Idea: Create a class-wide “Inspiration Wall” where students post key
takeaways, quotes, or goals they’ve developed throughout the month.