State Enablement -GA

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College and Career Planning Resources

Live-Virtual and Simulated WBL Opportunities

Use Pathful as part of your toolkit for meeting the requirements for:

Georgia Work-Based Learning Manual

HB 400, SB 401, SB 3 (also known as the BRIDGE Act)

Profile of a Georgia CTAE Graduate

Career Interest Assessments and Exploration Tools

Creating Career Development

Plans and WBL Opportunities

for All Georgia Students

Integrated Accessibility: Through our partnership with Userway, students and

educators can apply accommodations including screen reader, visual

accommodations, translation, and more to Pathful’s platform.

Pathful feature: Interest, personality,work values and

aptitude assessments; Career Explorer


Supports Individual Graduation Plan (IGP)


Pathful feature: Course Planner, My Path, Goal Setting Tools,

Postsecondary Plan


Pathful feature: Career Explorer, Virtual Job Shadowing

videos, Postsecondary Module, Scholarship Search


Pathful feature: My Path, Resume Builder, Career Explorer,

Postsecondary Plan


Data-Driven Insights and Reporting for Schools

Pathful feature: Reporting Data


This sample implementation plan for Georgia is designed to ensure

all students complete a career development plan and participate in

WBL opportunities throughout their PK-12 education path according to

the Student Milestones for College and Career Readiness.

Throughout PK-12th grade: Use Requested sessions (WBL) and

Career to develop career awareness and interest. Use Lessons to

develop student skills and knowledge.

PK-5 grade (Pathful Jr.)

Complete the various career cluster lessons designated for K-5th grade to

begin building awareness of careers, rules, expectations and responsibilities

while reinforcing key concepts from core subjects.

Schedule sessions with industry pros to give students an inside look into

different careers and prompt conversations on their interests.

Have students take the Career Cluster Interest Survey to help determine their

career interests and build a foundation for future learning.

6th grade

Complete an Interest Assessment (for deeper insight students can also take

the Personality and Work Values Assessments).

Use the Career and WBL sections of the platform to begin exploring careers

that interest them.

7th grade

Building on the Interest Assessment results from 6th grade, students begin to

explore specific careers and industries in greater detail. This includes learning

about the education and skills required for different occupations, as well as

their roles in the economy.

8th grade

By the end of 8th grade, students are required to select at least one Career

Pathway of interest. Students can use their knowledge from 6th and 7th grade,

as well as a new Interest Assessment and Career explorer to help with this.

Students must develop an Individual Graduation Plan (or IGP, this is a key

milestone of the BRIDGE Act), a multi-year plan that outlines the courses they

will take in high school based on their career interests. The Postsecondary

Plan, Goal Setting Tools and Pathful Planner can support this process.

Use Employability videos to help build skills and knowledge that will support

students as they prepare to transition to high school (suggestions include

Career Cluster, Diversity & Inclusion, Extracurriculars, First Jobs, Other Ways to

Learn, Overcoming Obstacles, Skills for Academic Success, Social Emotional

Skills, Soft Skills, and When Would I Use This).

9th grade

Continue to update IGP to reflect any changes in student career interests and

academic goals

Use Pathful Planner to make sure coursework aligns with students’ chosen

career pathway.

Assign students Lessons and Courses that align with their chosen career

pathway and to develop necessary skill development.

Students continue to use Assessments and Career explorer to explore and

understand their career interests and how their academic success is

important to their chosen career pathway.

10th grade

Continue to update IGP to reflect any changes in student career interests and

academic goals

Update Postsecondary Plan with school counselor

Use information from Pathful’s Postsecondary module and Scholarship

Search to further conversations with counselor and family members about

the costs and scholarship opportunities related to postsecondary education.

Use Pathful Planner to research course offerings for 11th grade, including early

postsecondary opportunities such as advanced placement, dual enrollment

and dual credit.

Students continue to use Assessments and Career explorer to explore and

understand their career interests and how their academic success is

important to their chosen career pathway.

11th grade

Use Pathful’s WBL Module to practice job interviews with Industry Pros. Use

Pathful Lessons to develop interview skills.

Retake various Assessments to reevaluate changes in career interests.

Update this on the student’s IGP.

Dive deeper into the Career, Postsecondary and WBL sections of the platform

to continue participating in college and career exploration experiences..

Use Pathful’s Resume Builder and Cover Letter Tools to help students start

preparing for their postsecondary or career path.

Use Scholarship Search to research and apply for financial aid opportunities

for postsecondary path.

Use Pathful’s Industry-Led Projects and WBL module to participate in

meaningful work-based learning opportunities related to their chosen career


Use Employability videos, Lessons and Courses (as well as Postsecondary

and WBL Lessons) to continue developing student skills and knowledge (such

as test-taking skills, study skills, critical thinking skills, etc.)

12th grade

Students use Pathful to conduct a final review of their IGP to ensure they are

on track for their post-secondary goals, whether that’s enrolling in college,

joining the workforce, or pursuing military service.

Seniors use Pathful’s Postsecondary module to finalize college plans.

Students and teachers can use Pathful’s Common App integration to apply

for school and submit letter of recommendation.

Seniors use Pathful’s Scholarship Search and FAFSA Lessons to apply for

scholarships and financial aid.

Use Pathful’s Industry-Led Projects and WBL module to participate in

meaningful work-based learning opportunities related to their chosen career


Use Employability videos, Lessons and Courses (as well as Postsecondary

and WBL Lessons) to continue developing student skills and knowledge (such

as test-taking skills, study skills, critical thinking skills, etc.)

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